May 10th, 2018 by admin
As it nears the end of each month, we know that you and your budget team are going through your expenses to see where you are spending money and where you could be saving. Are your electricity bills sky high? Maybe you can install timers to shut off...
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Tags: carriers, cost reduction, customer service, knowledgeable staff
Posted in: Carrier Services
October 16th, 2017 by admin
Avoid downtime in the event of a disaster by providing them voice redundancy and automatic rerouting with a nationwide, self-healing toll free service.
Some of the biggest names in the alarm and emergency response industry use this service for their...
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Tags: carriers, emergency response, redundancy
Posted in: IT Solutions, Services, Products
June 21st, 2011 by admin
By Dan Baldwin, Editor
So you've firewalled your business's most valuable content like your customer lists, sales figures, and the like from attacks over the Internet, but can your competitors still access the information the same way your salespeople...
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Tags: carrier contract, carriers, cnn, contentious, cylab, eMobus, fire wall, internet attack, mobile device, mobile phishing, mobile security policy, mobile security, mobile threat, permissions, protect my data, security provider, smart phone, telecom agent, test for the threat, wcs
Posted in: Mobile Phones & Wireless Data