Security Solutions: Cyber Security
March 2nd, 2017 by admin
In our last blog, we talked about the benefits of having a video surveillance system in place. In addition to physical security for your facility, it's becoming increasingly important to protect your data using cyber security solutions. There is a lot of hype about big hacker groups stealing sensitive data, but the threat can also come from small fraud, aimed at stealing a few credit card and social security numbers. Depending on your industry, there are different standards of security that your customers expect for their data. If you are working with healthcare, government, or financial data, you should educate your staff on the right protocols for handling and encrypting sensitive information. Schools and public institutions also have guidelines in place for properly storing and sharing data about students and visitors. Even if it seems like your business isn't handling any sensitive data for customers, you should ensure that your internal servers and networks are protecting employee data and exchanges.
Here at ATEL Communications, we offer assistance with cyber security in the form of different firewall and network protection solutions. We can advise you on the risks of different systems and put measures in place to protect your IT communications. If you're working with cloud computing, talk to us about the Software Defined Network (SDN) and network virtualization approaches that we use for open protocols and further methods for securing your system. We want your data to stay in the right hands, to protect your reputation and meet the expectations of customers and staff. It might seem like an impossible goal when we listen to the news stories about hackers and criminal masterminds, but we can assure you that even a few basic measures will significantly increase your network protections.
Let us know if you have any questions about our cyber or video security. We're here to help!