Celebrating the 5 year anniversary of Pro Back Office
November 13th, 2017 by Steve Handelman
It feels like just yesterday we started hearing good things about operational accounting and strategic consulting services provided by a new company in town Pro Back Office. I was in Vistage at the time when I heard about how companies were improving their operations by outsourcing their CFO functions. I heard about smaller companies that couldn't afford to have CFOs before, were now having CFOs from Pro Back Office and were realizing some excellent strategic growth. It became a secret weapon for a lot of the companies that I was associating with at the time. I really enjoy referring clients to them, Mike Ford's suggestions in my Sage executive group are always very helpful, creative, and well thought through. Dave Sugino and I, Steve Handelman, joined them for their spectacular 5-year Anniversary Celebration.
We had a fantastic time at the Duck Foot Brewing Company in San Diego (). It was a wonderful party with food, games, drinks, and networking. A special treat was the gluten-free beer that let us enjoy a drink without bloating. They pulled up one of those gourmet food trucks to the back door and offered all kinds of great things to eat.
Congratulations to our partners Mike and Gina for a successful 5 years and a fun party! We wish them continued success and look forward to many more years working together.
Be sure to look at our pictures from the event, including these sillier shots in the photo booth.
Posted in: Events